Information for Students
This page serves to describe our shared expectations concerning collaboration within the GHE group. For an overview of all available positions, please refer to the page Open Student Projects.
We operate autonomously yet prioritize collaboration facilitated by suitable tools to enhance workflow efficiency. While we minimize our reliance on email communications, we actively encourage asking the right questions, be it through face-to-face interactions, group chats, or personal messaging. Transparency and open access is paramount, we expect commitment from all new entrants to the group.
Every student joining our group will receive comprehensive support and guidance, starting with the onboarding process aimed to facilitate the integration into the workflow adapted by the group.
To ensure clarity we have devised a set of guidelines applicable to all members, both current and prospective. When working with us, you will be expected to:
1. Grading
- Read and understand the criteria underpinning the grading process.
2. Communication
- Set up the Element App for direct communication with the group.
- Take initiative to schedule regular meetings with your supervisor to provide updates and seek advice within the subject of your project.
- Meet Prof. Elizabeth Tilley at least three times over the course of your stay with us:
- First meeting in week 2 or 3 - to discuss the final project proposal and to sign the Onboarding agreement (a paper version of these points).
- In the middle of the semester for the work-in-progress seminar with other students.
- At the end of the semester for the final presentation after sharing the final version of the manuscript.
3. Data
- Keep all project-related documents up to date in a provided Google Drive directory.
- Include a brief draft of a data management plan in your proposal.
4. Writing
- Use MS Word or Overleaf for manuscript collaborative writing.
- Familiarize yourself with the manuscript template and align your document with the provided guidelines.
- Incorporate the Declaration of Originality in your manuscript.
- Use Zotero for reference management.
- Upload the final version of your manuscript to the ETH Research collection under CC-BY license.
5. Workflow
- Write a proposal at the beginning of your stay with us. Describe the goals of your work, expected-to-use methods and potential results.
- Register your thesis on mystudies with prof. Elizabeth Tilley in Week 3 and attach the revised and discussed proposal.
- Send Prof. Tilley the manuscript ten days before your final submission date. Keep in mind that she may want to propose some changes so you need time to respond to them.
- When leaving the group, fill out the testimonial.
We provide the same guidelines in the Student Wiki. You will find more information there, including:
- Templates for writing the proposal and the manuscript.
- Grading rubrics - information for what you will be graded at the end of your stay with us.
- Set up instructions for the software we use.
- Information on data and reference management.
- Information on dissemination.